Oct 11, 2011

This is Halloween, This is Halloween

We've entered the fall season, and so I decided it was time to autumn-up our apartment a little bit.  We started with a trip to HomeGoods (as many good stories have done in the past) and purchased our new autumn wreath, complete with majesty.

We then decided it was probably time to throw up some Halloween decorations, since October wasn't getting any longer.  So, we now have a pumpkin infestation of adorable proportions.

(we figured Fruit Rooster is frightening enough to remain for the holiday)

We also experienced the great outdoors while we still can.  Unfortunately, the mosquitoes (lousy Plasmavores) had the same idea, and we are evidently extremely tasty...

(possibly pictured, mosquitoes with murder in their compound eyes)

So farewell, summer.  I have enjoyed your sunshine, your short skirts, and your burning hot steering wheels.  I'm a bit sad, but also happy that I can enjoy a pumpkin spice latte in a pair of leggings and suede boots.