So today was my first day of work at Association Development Group. For those of you who don't feel like clicking the link and perusing (seriously though, you should; it's a really nice website), ADG acts as administration for a number of different non-profit organizations. My actual position is working on three specific accounts: New York State Nursery and Landscape Association (NYSNLA) (which is going to be the one I work on first and foremost, it seems), the Insurance Brokers Association of New York (IBANY), and the New York State Association for Superintendents of School Buildings and Grounds (NYS SBGA). Essentially, I help my supervisor take care of a number of needs, including keeping track of members and membership drives, organizing conferences and expos and producing publications and newsletters. Specifically, I'll be helping with the NYSNLA (still can't pronounce that one quite to my satisfaction) membership magazine, Nursery Lines. Preview: I know a lot more about hardscaping and invasive species, specifically the emerald ash borer.
All in all, the experience was very positive today. The weather wasn't exactly lovely, but it gave me a great ice breaker as I was taken around to meet everyone (note: I now hate the phrase "I look forward to working with you" after saying it 20 times). The building is really nice, and I totally dig their interior design and open floor plan. After paperwork and touring, I spent the day looking over material from the above accounts and asking rather banal questions about parking and travel reimbursement.
I don't have a cubicle just yet, due to what I came to call "The Shift" (capital letters included). The entire floor plan is being changed, certain groups are moving to other places, and my space isn't really available just yet. Hopefully that will be organized soon so I can bring in my coffee mug (I know, priorities, right?).
I'm really excited to learn more and actually get my feet wet in the work. I hope my first impressions turn out to be true.