Sep 7, 2011

They can't Drive 55, Apparently

One of the main things I was not excited about when deciding to move up here was NY drivers, especially since I've only been driving for a little over a month.  Granted, every state has its idiots.  Jersey drivers tend to forget which pedal is which, erring on the side of speed, whereas PA drivers do just the opposite, though in their defense, they're just trying to get to the Country Kitchen buffet for the early bird special.

This past weekend, the bf and I drove back down to PA to visit friends and drove back on Monday, which is about a 5.5 hour drive.  It really wasn't that bad, though I definitely saw some interesting maneuvers, like the guy who came up real close behind me and put on his high beams to get me to move out of lane.

After you get off the NY thruway onto the local section of 87, the speed limit is 55.  Clearly, this is just a very silly suggestion and has no bearing on anyone's reality.  I usually follow the "+5" rule on highways, going up to 5 miles above the speed limit to keep traffic moving.  I was going 65 and I might as well have been crawling forward at 20 with my blinkers on.  The pure, unadulterated rage I inspired in the drivers behind me was almost Shakespearean as they flew past, cursing my little blue Kia and all who drive at sane speeds.

Granted, we all feel the urge to press the gas a bit more, but if you're going fast enough that the edges of time and space begin to blur, you might want to ease up off the pedal a bit.

1 comment:

  1. every jersey driver wants everyone else to get the fuck out of their way :)
